Mission & Objectives

BSA strives for self-sufficient society: A group of villagers gather to listen a point.


Banwasi Seva Ashram envisages a strong new village culture, incorporating the positive values of traditional life and benefits of modern knowledge in such a way that neither people nor nature is unduly exploited. Banwasi Seva Ashram believes that village self-sufficiency is vital for the country’s development.


The mission of Banwasi Seva Ashram is to address basic problems of life faced by the forest dwelling community, especially the most vulnerable people (tribal, SC, OBC) through confidence creation, capacity building and innovational development plans.


  • Empowerment of the deprived and oppressed, through socioeconomic and educational activities in order to develop holistically underprivileged village communities.
  • Development of a self-sufficient, harmonious society, by encouraging people to live according to the principles of Sarvodaya (development of all) and Gramswarajya (self-reliance).
  • Capacity building of Ashram staff and village functionaries, in order to guarantee the success of the development processes, with a special focus on women.
  • Life orientation of new generation adolescents and youth: finding a way to improve village life sustainability, especially for the young, is our present concern.
  • Support to youth volunteers working in other areas of Uttar Pradesh and other states for the work of Gramswarajya.

Main Fields of Activities

Soil & water conservation, watershed agriculture, horticulture and tree planting, animal husbandry, use of gobar gas and compost, village industries, vocational training, rural entitlement, education (formal and non-formal, for adults, youngsters, adolescents, children and toddlers – 3 to 6), women empowerment, health care and health education (including planned family education), pollution monitoring and environment protection.